The grand finale of literacy week was a character dress up day to raise money for Pelican Post ...or it will be for them if I can get in touch with them! Some people made a brilliant effort, but of course I stupidly left the camera at school and so can't show you any until Monday! Multicoloured Oompa Loompas popping up everywhere, Tinkerbell telling her story at break in the playground, Batgirl and Batman dishing out justice across the school, French classes writing about the characters they were dressed as (in French, obv), Winnie the Pooh was spotted hard at work, and three life size Wallys turned up! Kids were finding them as well as the original Wally, who is now relaxing on my sofa after a good week trekking around the school
Our final guest was Sue Ransom, author of the Small Blue Thing trilogy.
She came to talk to our remaining Year 9s, about writing, being published, and inspirations. Even boys that can't sit still in a normal lesson asked questions and were interested in the answers. After school was pretty hectic as we had the favourite costumes from each House, as well as lots of staff in their amazing outfits, in the library so that Sue could pick the fave...I'm not going to tell you who the character was because I want to share a picture with you on Monday...and then as it settled down in there a few stayed to have a chat with her about writing.
Overall I think we can say the week was a success! Loyalty cards are being waved in the library, pupils that rarely come in have been begging me to borrow books by our guests, one of the year 10 boys that really struggles with reading is going to read Soul Beach with me a few chapters a day because he was so intrigued by the sound of it, some others (including a member of staff!) have been inspired to write their own stories, finished copies of the poems written with Neal Zetter on Monday are appearing on my desk, everyone is going to really miss the literary lunches (not that I had time to eat any of them...) and teachers have really enjoyed adding literacy activities to their normal lessons. On Monday I shall draw a raffle for all the pupils that took part in the mini-challenges for a range of signed books, sweets and other literary related goodies that I've been squirrelling away.
Musings over Magician’s Guild & Eye of the World
8 hours ago
I've really enjoyed your posts this week, it sounds like you've been really successful and everyone's had a great time.